Amber Henry

The Fabulous Four  -Workshop Registration

Your Information

Workshop Details

Join international multi-award-winning photographers from all over the world as they come together in Las Vegas!

Amber Henry, Arno de Brujin, Ben Connolly & Chris Benavides will host you for a two-day, jam-packed educational photo workshop complete with camera education, gear guides, shooting both indoors and out, and post-production processes. You will never shoot the same way again!


Course outline includes: 

DAY 1 -

9:00 am - Registration opens
10:00 am -  Classroom - Lighting, posing, composition, and fundamentals

12:00 pm - Lunch

1:00 pm - Creative Inspiration

2:30 pm - Gels & flash use indoors with models

4:00 pm - Break

4:30 pm - Outdoor shooting in groups with guided help from pros with models

7:30 pm - Dinner

8:45 pm - Second outdoor shooting switching groups with guided help from pros with models

10:00 pm - Wrap Up

DAY 2 -

10:00 am - Image Critiques with great prize give-aways!

11am - Instructors educate on retouching differences and perspectives/ Creative Editing in Photoshop

12:30 pm - Lunch
1:30 pm - Q & A panel - All instructors
 are open books!
2:30 pm - Photo Breakdowns - instructors show their processes and thoughts when creating
3:30 pm - Advanced lighting setups with models
5:30 pm - Early Dinner

6:30 pm - Night shoots - all instructors
 are hands-on to help guide/shooting with models
9:30 pm - Finish
 - After party anyone..?



Workshop features both classroom and field sessions. For additional questions not covered please contact

Registration Fee Payment- $500 due to register, balance of  $1290 due on or before January 15th.
* Country
* State/Province

Sub Total

Thank you for joining us!

We have received your application and are so excited to see you in Las Vegas. Please check that you have paid your submission fee or your spot will not be saved. We will be sending you more detailed information soon, and we can't wait to see you!


~The Fabulous 4

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